A three-day workshop was conducted among key stakeholders from National Tuberculosis Control Center and IHMIS Section- DoHS to plan for operationalizing interoperability of HMIS and NTPMIS systems (majorly eTB Register and NTP Service Tracker) for better efficiency and accuracy in reporting of TB data sets through HMIS. The workshop comprised of finalization of key indicators for the TB program and incorporating them in the HMIS indicator book and compendium. In addition to this, grouping of the reporting units providing TB services was done in HMIS under following groups: i) TB DOTS Centers, ii) TB Designated Microscopic Centers (DMC), iii) TB GeneXert Sites and iv) TB DR TB Centers. Since names of some existing organizational units in HMIS were different with the NTPMIS, necessary corrections were done on-spot to ensure uniformity. The interoperability of eTB register and NTP Service Tracker with HMIS were tested by pushing data from these two systems. The testing proved to be successful as all the required data from eTB Register and NTP Service Tracker were migrated into HMIS. The attendees therefore agreed to completely roll out the interoperability feature (i.e., Upload to HMIS function) in all the health facilities reporting via eTB Register and NTP Service Tracker beginning from the upcoming fiscal year- 2080/81 (Shrawan On-wards). It was decided that continuous and close monitoring of this function should be done in the initial periods after going into interoperability to ensure its smooth functionality, data accuracy and optimum reporting rates.