DRTB Patient Tracking and TB Laboratory System is a Web-Based Management Information System developed using DHIS2 platform for effective management and monitoring of Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) Tuberculosis (TB) Patient by taking their treatment stage and generate reports for MDR TB management program.

This system also features the complete laboratory information system, including Microscopy, Culture/DST, GeneXpert, and LPA and provides SMS notifications to the patients/DR Focal person of their test results and notification.

As both DRTB Patient Tracking and TB Laboratory System are incorporated within the same system, a patient can be tracked with single system ID within both systems.

In the broader aspect the this system is expected to strengthen DHO/DPHO and MDR Treatment Centers to assume responsibility for providing information to the concerned health institutions at districts and higher authority regularly and keep track of updated patient information and also to improve the overall treatment and follow-up procedures of DR patient.

With regular data update, it will improve the recording and will help in obtaining realistic reports at different level. It will reduce the errors in recording and reporting system of MDR TB. Additionally, real time/automatic updating dashboard offered by the system will enable program managers to evaluate the overall MDRTB management program at various level.

Click on the link to access the system: DRTB Patient Tracking and TB Laboratory System

User manual – DRTB Patient Tracking and TB Laboratory System

DRTB Patient Tracking and TB Laboratory System Work Flow

Steps To Enable “Tabular Data Entry”
