What is TB disease?

Not all people with TB infection get active TB disease. Only when people infected with the TB bacteria start  showing signs and symptoms associated with TB are they considered to have active TB disease. Some people develop TB disease soon after becoming infected, before their immune system can fight back. Other people may get sick later, when their immune system becomes…

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What is TB infection?

When a person breathes in the TB bacteria, in most cases, the body is able to fight them to stop them from growing. The bacteria become inactive, but do not die. They lie latent, and can become active later. This state is called TB infection. People who are infected with TB do not feel sick, do not have any symptoms, and…

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How does a person get TB?

TB is spread primarily from person to person through infected air during close contact. The bacteria get into the air when someone infected with TB of the lung coughs, sneezes, shouts, or spits. A person can become infected when they inhale minute particles of the infected sputum from the air. It is not possible to get TB by just touching the…

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What is tuberculosis (TB)?

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by a type of bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB most  commonly affects the lungs, when it is called pulmonary tuberculosis, but also can involve any other organ of the body in which case it is called extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. These FAQs are about pulmonary TB.   Frequently Asked Questions about Tuberculosis. (2013).…

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TB HIV Co-infection

Background and Magnitude of the problem: National Tuberculosis Control Center (NTCC) has been implementing all 6 components of WHO Stop TB Strategy since 2006. The NTP also adopted TB/HIV strategy and policy in 2009. One of the most important and challenging component is TB/HIV as it is needed to coordinate between two programs for effective…

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Annual review of NTP by Dr. Chen

The annual review of the National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP) took place from 3-13 September 2017 to review the performance of Nepal NTP. Strengths in the fight against tuberculosis (TB) in Nepal are noted: The National Strategic Plan (NSP) for TB Prevention, Care and Control 2016/17-2020/21 has been endorsed by Ministry of Health. The Government of…

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The NTP has identified the following 2 objectives for all research: To improve the quality of caring people with tuberculosis in Nepal. To assist the NTP in planning and implementation of effective TB. Current research includes: Family and Community Volunteer based DOTS research is in progress in the remote hilly areas of Nepal where institutional…

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