Strategic interventions for objectives
a. Strategic intervention for objective 1
Increase case notification through improved health facility-based diagnosis; increased diagnosis among children, examination of household contacts and expanded diagnosis among vulnerable groups within the health service, such as PLHIV, and those with diabetes mellitus (DM).
- Improved and sustained public health facility based TB case finding
- Strengthen and expand TB diagnostic services
- Enhance TB diagnosis and treatment among children
- Active TB Case Finding (ACF)
- Strengthen TB-HIV collaboration between NCASC and NTP at all levels
b. Strategic interventions for objective 2
Maintain the treatment success rate at 90% patients (all forms of TB) by 2020
- Ensure and strengthen uninterrupted supply and storage of quality assured first-line TB drugs for all TB patients
- Promote psycho-social support system for TB patients
c. Strategic interventions objective 3
Provide MDR diagnostic services for 50% of persons with suspected MDR TB by 2018 and 100% by 2021; successfully treat at least 75 % of the diagnosed MDR patients
- Establishment and operationalization of formal structures for DR TB
- Expansion of DR TB Treatment Services
- Capacity Building of Service Providers
d. Strategic interventions for objective 4
Further expand case finding by engaging providers for TB care from the public sector, beyond MoH, medical colleges, NGO sector, and private hospitals and practitioners through results based PPM financing schemes, with formal engagements (signed MoUs) to notify TB cases. 100 municipalities by 2021
- Establishment and operationalization of formal structures for PPM
- Engagement of Medical Colleges and their hospitals
e. Strategic interventions objective 5
Strengthen community systems for management, advocacy, support and rights for TB patients in order to create an enabling environment to detect & manage TB cases in 60% of all districts by 2017 and 100% by 2020
- Mobilize local community for TB case detection, treatment delivery and patient support in districts
- Strengthen and expand advocacy and communications activities
f. Strategic interventions objective 6
Contribute to health system strengthening through HR management and capacity development, financial management, infrastructures, procurement and supply management in TB
- HR Management (including recruitment)
- Capacity building of all levels
- Infrastructure
g. Strategic interventions objective 7
Develop a comprehensive Surveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation system, research and innovation