World Health Organization (WHO)
World Health organization (WHO) has been supporting TB program in Nepal. The Center of Disease Control unit at WHO CO, headed by the International Medical officer and supported by National professional officers, supports TB program in the country. The main role of WHO is to provide best practices and recommend them to NTP, PR and partners for timely and effective management of different key activities. Recently TB program has been made a top priority from SEARO for Nepal. WHO supports TB program specially by providing technical support in key strategic areas and as required by NTP. Recently, there had been TA support for PMDT revision, introduction of shorter regimen, aDSM development. The mission also supported in development of newer clinical treatment and diagnostic algorithm for the country in alignment with 2017 WHO revised recommendations for Treatment and 2016 GLI recommendation for Diagnosis. WHO also supported in development of laboratory strategic plan and support in development of National Strategic Plan for TB program 2016-21. WHO also supported in carrying out the GLC missions in the country.
Besides these key TA supports, WHO also supported in development of major documents like annual reports, TB HIV collaboration guidelines, training guidelines etc. WHO has also supported in carrying out prevalence survey for TB in the country; from the development of the protocol together with RIT japan and NTC followed by reviewing the developed protocol for Global Task Force at WHO HQ and also taken up the responsibility to quality assure the field implementation of PS in the country.
SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre (STAC)
SAARC TB and HIV/AIDS Centre (STAC) is one of the Regional Centers of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). The Centre supports the National TB Control Programmes (NTPs) and National HIV//AIDS Control Programme (NACPs) of the SAARC Member States (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka). The Centre coordinates the progress and new findings of NTPs and NACPs among the SAARC Members States and supports for implementation of SAARC Regional Strategies on controlling /elimination of tuberculosis as well as prevention of HIV/AIDS in the Region.
Save the Children
Save the Children is the world‟s leading independent children‟s right organization with members in 30 countries and programs in more than 120 countries. Save the Children fights for children‟s rights and delivers lasting improvements to children‟s lives in Bhutan, Nepal and around the world. Save the Children has been working in Nepal since 1976 focusing on programs on Child Rights, Governance and Protection, Education, Health and Nutrition, Livelihood and Humanitarian response and preparedness in all 75 districts of the country through four regional offices in Biratnagar, Kathmandu, Butwal and Nepalgunj. Through its various programs, Save
the Children aims to create an environment which enables a child to reach his/ her full
Global Fund programs of Save the Children in brief Save the Children is the Principal Recipient for all three Global Fund grants (HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis) in Nepal since 16 July 2015. Save the Children has been managing the HIV component of Global Fund grant in Nepal since 16 November 2008. Effective from 16 July 2015, Save the Children has been awarded with the PRship for Malaria and Tuberculosis grant as well to be implemented through Epidemiology and Disease Control Division (EDCD) and National Tuberculosis Center (NTC) under the Ministry of Health, Nepal respectively, as main implementing agencies. Tuberculosis grant effective from 16 July 2015, Save the Children has been managing Tuberculosis program all over the country through main implementing agency (NTC). Save the Children works together with National Tuberculosis Center and its sub recipients; Nepal Anti-Tuberculosis Association (NATA), TB Nepal, NAPID Nepal, HERD and BNMT. Major activities under Tuberculosis grant are: National TB Prevalence Survey, early diagnosis of people with infectious pulmonary TB by sputum smear examination, strengthening network of microscopic centers, strengthen quality control measures, treatment of MDR and XDR cases, strengthening culture and drug susceptibility tests (DST), expansion of microscopic camps in hard to reach areas, etc. The key activities of SRs are contract tracing, transportation of sputum transportation, diagnosis and management of childhood TB, Public Private Management (PPM), implementation of IPT, etc.
The total budget of the Global Fund for tuberculosis for FY 2016/17 is 6.4 million USD. A Programme Management Unit is based at National Tuberculosis Centre, Bhaktapur to provide technical support, implement GF funded activities and system strengthens of NTC. SCI is supporting to implement and monitoring and evaluation of Tuberculosis Programme at regional and district level. A Regional Program Coordinator is deputed in each region to support to implement, supervise and monitor TB program at regional and district level
LHL International Tuberculosis Foundation, Norway
The Government of Nepal requested LHL International TB Foundation (LHLI) to assist and support the NTP for its national training and supervision activities in 1994. LHLI has been supporting to the NTP in Nepal especially focusing on capacity building by training and supervision activities at various levels since 1995. The Ministry of Health (MoH) and LHLI signed a an agreement for four years cooperation in 1995 (1995-1998) and further five years co-operation (1999-2003, 2004-2008, 2009- 2013), one-year extension for 2014 and currently there is a 3 years (2015-2017) cooperation with a possibility of extension. LHLI, in collaboration with the union, has served as a technical advisor for the development of the programme.
The objective of the cooperation is to form a partnership where LHLI provides technical and financial support to strengthen NTP’s capacity to reach the goal of the program: To reduce mortality, morbidity and transmission of tuberculosis until it is no longer a public health problem in Nepal.
LHLI has been supporting NTP in the following areas:
- Devising training programs, educational materials and teaching arrangements for the various categories of health personnel, community volunteers, and private practitioners at the national, regional, district and community level.
- Capacity building of RTLOs/DTLOs who are responsible for the training at the national, regional and district level, which in turn are to train health personnel.
- Carrying out supervision from central, regional and district level and integrating training within the supervision process of the NTP.
- Supporting the technical assistance for the national prevalence survey
- Annual visit of the technical advisory committee
- Implementing skill development training for MDR patients
- Supporting community DOTS program
International Organisation for Migration
Established in 1951, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is an Intergovernmental Organization working in the field of migration management. IOM joined the United Nations (UN) and became UN Migration Agency in September 2016. Nepal became the IOM member state in 2006. In 2007, the Government of Nepal (GoN) and IOM signed a memorandum of understanding to encourage cooperation and the delivery of services to Nepal, which is a country of origin, transit and destination of migration. IOM‟s initial focus in the country was on the resettlement of Bhutanese refugees. Currently, IOM Nepal is committed to the comprehensive management of migration through the facilitation of migration, provision of direct assistance for the enhancement of the social and economic development of Nepal.
IOM has diversified its areas of cooperation with the GoN into additional fields such as Forced Migration, Migration and Development, Facilitating Migration and Regulating Migration. IOM also believes that migrants and mobile populations benefit from an improved standard of physical, mental, and social wellbeing, which enables them to substantially contribute towards the social and economic development of their home communities and host societies. In order to improve the wellbeing of migrants, the IOM established a Migration Health Division (MHD) which specializes in migration health. Through the MHD, the IOM conducts health assessments of Bhutanese refugees and immigrants bound for the USA, UK and many other countries. This includes TB screening, and treatment as well. There is also a clinic in the refugee transit center in Kathmandu, and a specialized isolation center for the treatment of highly-infectious and drug-resistant TB cases in Damak. MHD also supports National TB Programme (NTP) in the implementation of TB related activities in Nepal.
NMT Nepal
BNMT Nepal is built on the foundation of commitment, expertise and experience of the Britain Nepal Medical Trust (BNMT UK), which has been working in Nepal since 1967. BNMT UK from its inception, has always lived with the principle of evidence based advocacy and operational research for designing its programmes and continuously monitoring, evaluation and fine-tuning its implementation strategies to reach the hard to reach population. (.) As a haritable, non-sectarian, nongovernmental organization, BNMT Nepal focuses on promoting universal coverage and health equity, accountability and effectiveness in the Nepalese health sector. These principles have embedded into the practice of BNMT Nepal.
NATA is a non-governmental, non-profit making voluntary organization established in 1953 with a vision to make the nation free from TB and a mission to promote health of people ensuring quality service and right to prevent and cure TB and other infectious diseases related to lungs and HIV. It is affiliated with the IUATLD, and is one of the members of the South East Asian Region. NATA has a long standing history of collaboration with National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP) as one of the oldest and key partners. At present it has 38 district branches in Nepal. Since its inception, it has been conducting various preventive and curative activities to fight against TB.
NATA has been appointed as a Sub-Recipient (SR) for the implementation of DR TB management programs at national level.
- Awareness raising activities
- Diagnosis and treatment of MDR TB at Kalimati Chest Hospital
- German Nepal Tuberculosis Project
- DOTS service
- Drug Resistance (DR) TB management services
- DR hostel
- HIV counseling and testing service
- Culture, DST and other laboratory services
- Research and surveillance
Health Research and Social Development Forum (HERD)
Health Research and Social Development Forum (HERD), established in 2004, is a national non-governmental organization with an aim to promote quality of life of people, especially women and children, the poor and the disadvantaged communities. HERD works across the nation in terms of 3 components: research, survey, monitoring and evaluation; health systems delivery; and policy development adopting a systems approach driven by equity, needs and priorities of the country, in line with the global framework. HERD develops, test and deliver evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective interventions relating to health and social development. Research undertaken by HERD focuses particularly in the areas of health policy, health systems development, and health service delivery of various government programmes to foster the relevance and effectiveness of the research in priority setting and evidence informed policy decisions.
TB Nepal
TB Nepal a non-governmental , non religious, non political and non-profit making voluntary organization was founded in 2060 BS (2003 AD). . The goal of the organization is Sustainable Improvement in health & quality of life of poor and marginalized TB , Leprosy and HIV affected people in MWR . TB Nepal began treating TB patients in the Mid western region (MWR ) of Nepal since 2003 ( 2060 BS ) as a DOTS and sputum microscopy centre. Nepalgunj TB Referral center Banke is the center for the diagnosis and treatment of complicated TB cases with 24 hours in-patients care facility. TB Nepal is situated in the center of Nepalgunj municipality, close to the Indian boarder. TB Referral Center Nepalgunj provides services mainly to the people of the Banke, Bardiya district, Karnali zone and to the people from other region and from the border side of India. It is the busiest center of tuberculosis and Leprosy providing
services to large number of people.
Japan-Nepal Health and Tuberculosis Research Association (JANTRA)
Japan-Nepal Health and Tuberculosis Research Association (JANTRA) is a nonprofitable and non-governmental organization affiliated with the Research Institute of Tuberculosis/Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association (RIT/JATA), Japan. Since its establishment, it has maintained an excellent track record of working in TB control program in urban and rural areas including hard toreach population. It is successful in completetion of different TB projects such as Global Fund in the Central and Western Region, TB Reach project in Kathmandu valley, Post Disaster TB project and prevalence of TB/diabetes co-morbidity survey in Kathmandu valley. JANTRA is an active member of National Tuberculosis Control Programme. It is recognized as a trusted partner of the National Tuberculosis Program (NTP). JANTRA has operational relationships with the key stakeholders and government agencies such as Divisions, Centers, Regional Health Director (RHD), District Health and Public Health Offices (D/HPO), private health providers, Clinics and health volunteers.
JANTRA is providing TB diagnosis and treatment services through its laboratory and DOTS center. It is also a DR TB sub treatment center for Kathmandu. It has been implementing Community –Based Urban TB Control Program since 2008 with the objective to provide diagnosis & treatment services, support and care to TB patients. JANTRA has been conducting TB awareness activities in schools, factories, slums and hard to reach population. JANTRA has been conducting program to provide psychosocial counseling and nutritional support to the under treatment TB patients in Kathmandu and Bhaktapur district since March 2016. JANTRA is undertaking a follow up survey to determine the relapse rate among TB cured diabetic patient in Kathmandu valley.
With these project/activities, JANTRA is contributing to early TB diagnosis, systematic screening of contacts, and high-risk groups, treatment, care and support. It is providing social protection and addressing the social determinants of tuberculosis by delivering services on psychosocial counseling and nutritional support and promoting research. Thus, its programs are in line with 3 pillars and components of end TB strategy that is aimed to end TB by 2050.
National partnership for Integrated-Development-Nepal (NAPID-Nepal)
National Partnership for Integrated Development-Nepal (NAPID-Nepal) established in 2006 A.D. is a nonprofit service based, non-governmental organization registered in District Administration Office Kancahnpur, affiliation with social welfare council, Kathmandu and working in the field of health and human right in Far-western region of Nepal. Since 2011 NAPID-Nepal is being implementing regional level Drug Resistant (DR-TB) Hostel and treatment service and TB/HIV awareness and advocacy program in joint collaboration with National Tuberculosis center Thimi Bhaktapur, Far-western regional health directorate-Dipayal, Seti Zonal Hospital, Dhangadhi and District Public health Office, Kailali and Kanchanpur. From this
F/Y 2016/017 NAPID Nepal has been acting as a Sub Recipient (SR) with Save the Children US/ Global Fund and implementing DR TB hostel program in Dhangadhi, Kailali.