DR-TB training focusing on shorter and all oral regimens for the treatment of Drug-Resistant TB was organized by NTCC – 03-04 Baisakh, 01-02 and 03-04 Jestha, 2081
Two days DR-TB training focusing on shorter and all oral regimens for the treatment of Drug-Resistant TB was organized by NTCC in three batches on 03-04 Baisakh, 01-02 and 03-04 Jestha, 2081 with technical and logistical support from WHO. A total of 85 participants from DR TB treatment centers (NTCC and NATA/GENETUP) and its sub-centers in Bagmati Province attended the training. The objective of this meeting was to equip medical officers and other health care workers directly involved in the treatment of the DR-TB with the knowledge and skills required for the implementation of 6-months BPaLM/BPaL regimen. Currently, the first phase of the BPaLM/BPaL implementation started in these two DR-TB treatment centers in the country. The training program was facilitated jointly by NTCC, WHO and other DR-TB experts.